
During my first period as a bioinformatician trainee, I have found that many of the tools used in bioinformatics are web-based, have an use interface or are simply private. As a way to learn more about computer science, being a biologist, I am commited to develop small tools that I have need in a certain moment with the best informatic praxis (with a bit of supervision from @angrykoala). In different terms, and notwithstanding the utopia, I am afraid of BioInformatics becoming a side effect of the scientific recognition competition (i.e. preasure to publish) and/or the chase of just economical profit. On the one hand many tools, databases, ..., are developed as a means to a scientist to publish and seek for that stable work or to fulfill the annual objectives. And the problem here comes from the fact that these bioinformatic resources are not constantly mantained, sometimes with a good reason as the lack of founding, but in other ocassions it is because the paper has been publish. Soon these tools become obsolete and the usefullness that let a laboratory advance is gone. On the other hand, the fashionable personalized medicine is being used by companies to earn money with diagnosis based on not strong enough correlations between the patient genetic information and the stock of knowledge. In this way, people who is not familiar with this science field could misundertand the results and at some point use them to show off or to become a new hypochondriac or both at the same time, depending on the results. And that is my principal motivation to start an open-source porject along with a blog and this website, to develop an open-source bioinformatic tool along with its proper documentation so that everybody is able to use it and contribute to it. But above all to encourage myself to learn more about this world and contribute my two cents.